Why You Should Not Make Any Major Credit PurchasesDon’t go on a spending spree using credit if you are thinking about buying a home, or in the process of buying a new home. Your mortgage...
Use a Buyer's AgentIt’s important that you choose an experienced agent who is there for you. Your agent should be actively finding you potential homes,...
Thinking About Buying a ForeclosureWith the housing bubble burst and the subprime mortgage crisis, millions of homeowners found themselves unable to make their mortgage...
Is Buying a Home Still a Smart PlanWith the burst of the housing bubble, credit crisis, and millions of foreclosures across the country, you may wonder if buying a home is...
Importance of InspectionAs a buyer, you are entitled to know exactly what you are getting. Don’t take anything for granted, not even what you see or what the...
Hot, Normal, and Cold MarketsHOT MARKET This is an extremely competitive market and is advantageous to the seller. Sometimes, homes will sell as soon as they are...
Finding the Right SellerThe best seller is one who is highly motivated. A highly motivated seller is more likely to sell at a price that is less than his or her...
Build a Plan of Action and Get ReadyBuying a home will probably rank as one of the biggest personal investments one can make. Being organized and in control will contribute...